If the internet hasn't already drilled this image into your head, you're probably thinking: "Why would this semi-attractive bitch care about Britney Spears?" Well, much like you at the end of this sentence I was shocked to find this is a man. Yes, I know, you lost your boner, me too, but I lost more than that, I lost faith in Pop culture. It has always been there for me, that little topic starter that 9/10 people could relate to. However some people end up making it their whole life. Imagine that, making an ice breaker a lifestyle. That’s like crying about the weather and posting on the internet whenever people get pissed about hurricanes.
"And how fucking DARE people get mad at hurricane Katrina, she just had a hard break up with hurricane Mitch--"
Jesus Christ. See, this would be understandable if he was on the news and started breaking down, or something like that, but now, after crying and bitching and overall looking like some dumb bitch who got stood up for prom, he finished, reviewed and clicked publish.
So many people get this fame, the YouTube 15 minutes in the limelight. However most people are either displaying a talent, or do something they thought was cool. To some degree some people get reluctantly shoved into it (I.e. Kramer). However this idiot ran into it, tears running down his cheeks, voice crackled from yelling at his parents.
I mean, the only good thing that can come of this is the idiot who posted it kills himself in embarrassment.
Who gives a fuck about Britney Spears? She's just some bitch who had a couple of hits and then only got press from being a dumb whore. The only thing she brings to the table that Paris Hilton doesn’t is "music" and kids. Who gives a fuck about her kids anyway? "Oh no, Brit's a terrible mom!!!!"
SO? I can show you a million dead beat mothers and trust me, it's funnier when they live in a shit shack with an abusive husband, have no teeth, and kids who are dying of starvation.
I would rather just watch through the windows of dysfunctional neighbors than get the trunicated version from the "News".